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With the long-light time of year approaching, come and fill an afternoon/evening listening to the intricate beauty of rich choral works by musical masters  J S Bach, Buxtehude, Michael Haydn and Mozart.

J S Bach’s motets, ‘Furchte dich nicht’ (Do not fear) and ‘Kom Jesu Kom’ are most likely settings of biblical passages and poetry for funeral/memorial services. Both are written for double choir. Using highly complex structuring of musical material Bach takes us on journeys through dark despair with pressing chromatics, into high realms of harmonic resolution, hope and purpose.

J S Bach was a great admirer of Dietrich Buxtehude, whose musical career led him from Denmark to Lubeck. Indeed, Bach walked 200 miles from Arnstadt to Lubeck to meet and learn from Buxtehude. In these cantatas we can see the inspiring musical influences and ideas that Buxtehude uses to clothe with expressive warmth the texts that inspired him.

Michael Haydn, younger brother of Joseph, takes us into the classical period. These liturgical choral works are little gems. Michael’s compositions fall in the shadow of his elder brother’s, but Joseph regarded Michael’s musical skills highly, even considering them superior to his own.

Mozart’s miniatures can’t fail to delight with their filigree interplay of musical lines.

We look forward to your joining us for this musical feast in the fine setting of St Andrew’s Catholic Church, Glasgow on Sun 5th June at 3pm.

Tickets are available on the door or online from Eventbrite:

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